The members of Chennai Super Kings reunited after five months and landed in Chennai on Friday evening. The officials had arranged two chartered planes to ferry the players to the city. The first plane landed in Delhi for Suresh Raina, Karn Sharma, Piyush Chawla and Deepak Chahar. It then flew to Ranchi for MS Dhoni and Monu Kumar. The second plane had landed in Maharashtra for Kedar Jadhav and Ruturaj Gaikwad.
Soon after Dhoni boarded the plane from Ranchi, CSK’s vice-captain Suresh Raina clicked a selfie with all the players and uploaded it on social media. The pic, of course, has gone viral but few users are questioning the players for flouting the norms. The players flouted the social distancing rules and had also removed their masks for the selfie.
As per the rules, everyone has to follow the social distancing norms. Wearing a mask is also compulsory. Dhoni was wearing a mask when he arrived at the Ranchi airport but removed it for the selfie. Netizens were quick to question the players.
All the players were seen wearing a mask after they landed in Chennai but the users had spotted them flouting rules on more than one occasion.
Meanwhile, CSK will kick off their preparations for IPL 2020 today (Saturday). The CSK’s officials wanted to ferry the players to UAE in the second week of the month but the BCCI has asked the franchises to leave the country after August 20.