Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar extended his hand of help to the ailing Vinod Kambli. India’s legendary 1983 World Cup-winning cricket team has stepped forward to support former cricketer in overcoming his struggles. Sunil Gavaskar, one of India’s cricketing greats, confirmed this development, following similar sentiments expressed by Kapil Dev, the captain of the historic 1983 squad.Expressing a deep sense of responsibility, Gavaskar referred to players like Kambli as ‘sons’ and reassured fans that the 1983 team members would rally together to assist their fellow cricketer.
“The 1983 team is very conscious of the younger players. For me, they are like grandsons. If you see their age, some are like sons. We are all very concerned, particularly when fortunes desert them. I don’t like the word help. What the 83 team wants to do is take care of him. We want to take care of Vinod Kambli and help him get back on his feet. How we will do, we’ll see in the future. We want to take care of cricketers who are struggling when fortunes don’t smile on them,” Gavaskar, who is currently in Adelaide as part of the broadcasting team covering the India vs Australia second Test, told Sports Today.
Recent years have seen Kambli embroiled in several controversies and facing significant personal and health challenges.Kambli, who has been battling severe health challenges, has found a strong support system in the cricketing fraternity that recognises his contributions to the sport.
Concerns regarding Kambli’s well-being escalated after a video from a memorial event for coach Ramakant Achrekar went viral. In the footage, Kambli was seen holding the hand of his childhood friend, Sachin Tendulkar, and refusing to let go, which sparked widespread attention and worry.