Amid ongoing efforts to address India’s Test team performance issues, a report from the Times of India has revealed tensions between head coach Gautam Gambhir and bowling coach Morne Morkel during the recent tour of Australia. According to the report, an incident between Gambhir and Morkel is now under scrutiny by the BCCI, and it needs resolution for the team to function cohesively moving forward.
The tension reportedly began when Morkel arrived late for a training session after attending a personal meeting. Known for his strict approach to discipline, Gambhir immediately scolded Morkel at the ground.
A source close to the situation told TOI, “Gambhir is very strict about discipline. He reprimanded Morkel immediately at the ground. The board has been told that Morkel was a bit reserved during the rest of the tour. It’s up to these two to sort it out for the team to function smoothly.”
This incident has left the coaching staff’s dynamics in question, and the BCCI is reportedly closely monitoring the situation.
While addressing internal coaching matters, the BCCI is also keeping a watchful eye on the overall performance of the support staff. The board has been soliciting feedback from senior players on how well the coaching staff has contributed to the team’s success.