India T20 skipper Suryakumar Yadav on Tuesday said Hardik Pandya remains very much part of the leadership group despite the elevation of Axar Patel as his deputy. Following the retirement of Rohit Sharma form T20s last year, Hardik was tipped to lead the side but Suryakumar was given that responsibility after the arrival of new coach Gautam Gambhir. Ahead of the five T20s against England, Hardik was removed as vice-captain and Axar was handed that responsibility.
However, Suryumar insisted that he continues share a healthy bond with his IPL captain and Hardik is very much part of leadership group. “My relationship with him has been really great. We have been playing for a very long time right now,” said Suryakumar on the eve of their match against England at Eden Gardens.
“I still remember 2018 when I went back to Mumbai Indians. And till today, it’s just the added responsibility which I have got,” said Suryakumar who led India to nine wins out of 10 games after being elevated to the skipper’s role.
“We have been good friends on and off the field. When we go back to franchise cricket, it (captaincy) shifts to him so I can relax a little bit. We know what we want going forward with the team.”
Speaking about Axar’s appointment, he said: “Axar has been given that added responsibility. We saw what he did in 2024 T20 World Cup. He has been with the team for a very long time right now.”
With the next T20 World Cup, which will be held in India in just a year, this decision reflects the BCCI’s vision for the future. However, Suryakumar emphasised that it’s more about the collective leadership group rather than individual roles.
“But at the same time, Hardik is also a part of leading group. When we sit, we decide what we want to do in the game going forward and also on the field. He is always around. It’s like we have a lot of captains on the ground,” said Suryakumar.